Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA Scanners and Pat Downs

I am so sick and tired of hearing all the whining and complaining about the new TSA procedures. I do believe I have heard it all. I listened to almost 5 hours of talk radio yesterday and heard everything from "it is violating the constitution" to "the search was so invasive I almost had a nervous breakdown" Come on! Really? The biggest complaints come from people that have either seen or heard about the 8 year old boy that had to endure a life altering pat down at the hands of a, no doubt, evil TSA agent ( <-----sarcasm) What would these people like us to do? Announce we will not search children at all? Just how long do you think it would take for our enemies to strap a bomb to a child and cause some serious damage to a plane? I say months. I was traveling from the south to the north, a southern gentlemen called into a local radio station and made this brilliant comment "my wife and I were stopped to be searched while 2 middle easterners walked right on through security! This is my country!" I would have loved to ask this guy just how he knew for a fact these people that walked on through were middle easterners. Because there skin was darker? Because they were carrying something other than the bible? Or perhaps simply because they "looked" like middle eastern people. The fact of the matter is, chances are, they were also American citizens just like the red neck on the phone...........Ugh.  To round out the most popular argument, it had to be "we need to learn from Israel and go with the strict and well trained interview system along with profiling" Right, comparing the massive U.S. civil aviation system to the tiny Israeli El Al fleet is laughable. Think lines are long now? Try putting in place the Israeli interview system.....that deafening sound would be the airline system coming to a screeching halt. These same people would then really have something to be mad about.
So now that the word is out, no one has any more excuses. It does not say anywhere in our constitution that air travel is a right. Nor do we as citizens, have the right to decide what is acceptable security guidelines. What you whiners do have control over is whether you CHOOSE to buy a ticket for an airplane ride. Don't like the security requirements? Hop on your car and hit the gas!
One prominent conservative radio host said "i am not for these invasive scans and pat downs, I say we try something else, if it doesn't work, then I am all for the scans and pat downs" Incredible, so let's skip these scans and pat downs until a plane full of people goes down in flames........then it is a good idea. Idiot.
So, what do you think is the answer?

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