Thursday, December 16, 2010

The teacher and the Hadj

I'm sure most people have read or at least heard of the teacher in the Berkley school district by now that was denied 3 weeks unpaid leave to participate in the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.

Because this is America I try to look at issues such as these and make sure things are equal. It is silly and naive to think this woman is being discriminated against. She is asking for 3 weeks leave! All be it she wants it to be unpaid. The schools would not have to pay her but would have to pay and arrange for someone to fill her position. I see a few things unreasonable with this. She is a full time teacher. Having grown up in a family of educators I have a little insight into the educational system. My first thought is about her students and her responsibility to them. I know what it is like when a teacher is out a few days. There is a relationship between teacher and student. Sure she could leave for 3 weeks and they could find someone to fill in for her. But the class would suffer. No matter how good a substitute is it is not the same as the regular teacher. If this was some something she knew she wanted to do then she should have saved her vacation and used it to take the trip. Even if she did not have a full three weeks maybe she could have only had to ask for 1 week unpaid. In every job I have ever had I could not have even thought about asking for 3 weeks off that I did not have! Paid or not! It is just the way it is. To cry discrimination is just plain silly. Understanding that this is a religious request does make it a bit more touchy. But that does not take away from the fact. If this was so important to her then I would suggest she quit her job and go do what she needs to do. If she is a qualified teacher then she stands a good chance at securing another job. She needs to address this need for 3 weeks off every year for her trip. It is one thing to have an understanding with a potential employer about such things and springing it on them with no prior discussion. It is just common sense. I just don't see it as anything more than an unreasonable request. Certainly not some huge example of Muslims being treated unfairly. 


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